Gallery (under construction)

This page will contain extra images from the authors, whether artwork from Anna or photos from both Anna and Lena. There are comments, but they're only to keep the layout working. Feel free to ignore them and look only at the pretty pictures.

A Hug

A Hug

Artist: Anna

A comment from the artist should go here soonish...
She should ramble on since we need lots of text to prevent the div from collapsing...
She doesn't seem to be providing any text at all. I've waited for such a long time, too. Please help me remedy this situation, someone?

Lena's Comment: This is just so cute! I want to be one of the girls in that picture! I highly suspect one of them is Anna, and I bet I know who the other is too, and it is not me. And I want it to be. Especially since it slightly looks like Anna is being choked. That'd get her back for sitting on me and being generally cruel when I visited her. Hmmmm. I like this idea.

Blue-haired Girl

Blue-haired Girl

Artist: Anna

A comment from the artist should go here soonish...
She doesn't seem to be providing any text at all. I've waited for such a long time, too. Please help me remedy this situation, someone?
She should ramble on since we need lots of text to prevent the div from collapsing...

Lena's Comment: Another vaguely-sad girl. Or perhaps she's frustrated and trying to keep her temper. Whatever it is, I don't think she looks very cheerful. I think she's very realistic, despite her hair color, and could picture someone like her walking down the street.

A Girl

A Girl

Artist: Anna

A comment from the artist should go here soonish...
She should ramble on since we need lots of text to prevent the div from collapsing...
She doesn't seem to be providing any text at all. I've waited for such a long time, too. Please help me remedy this situation, someone?

Lena's Comment: For some reason, the girl in this picture seems to me to be very sad, or perhaps lonely, but it's as if she's trying to hide it, too. Maybe she doesn't want to cry, but when she thinks no one is paying attention to her, her feelings show, just a bit. ... Also I think she's pretty and want to meet her.

Kiddie Zelphie

Little Zelphie

Artist: Anna

A comment from the artist should go here soonish...
She should ramble on since we need lots of text to prevent the div from collapsing...
She doesn't seem to be providing any text at all. I've waited for such a long time, too. Please help me remedy this situation, someone?

Lena's Comment: A picture of what Zelphie looked like as a little kid, back when she was still little and oh-so-cute. I did keep the big eyes, though, I think. And that expression still finds itself on my face fairly often, as well.

Older Images

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All material on this site is copyright Lena Olson, Minnesota and Anna Östmark, Sweden.